Mr. IP Law

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Control System Block Diagrams

Describing the components of a control system in a patent application can be challenging, especially as control systems grow increasingly complex.

One option to make life easier when describing such control systems may be to include a block diagram of the control system in addition to drawing and describing the specific sensors, controller, and actuators of the device.

For example, the block diagram may show a group of sensors communicating with a controller, and a controller communicating with a group of actuators. The relationship of actions between the sensors, the controller, and the actuators in the block diagram may then be described, noting that the block diagram components encompass the specific sensors, controller, and actuators of the device.

Including a block diagram in addition to drawing the specific components of the device can be useful during prosecution. For example, the block diagram may be used as support if Section 101 (Alice) issues arise. Or, if a specific sensor described in the specification was not drawn into the device, the group of sensors in the block diagram may be pointed to as showing this sensor in the drawings.

By taking just a little extra time to block out the control system in a patent application, you can effectively construct an extra layer of support for issues that may arise during prosecution.