Patent Professional By Day, Novelist by Night

While most of our posts focus on patent prosecution issues, today we get to talk about fighter jets, technology, spies, and writing novels. The reason is because I have had the pleasure of reading Robert Ari’s new novel - Super Coil (available on Amazon). Robert is a patent prosecution attorney by trade (note this is a pen name and the true author’s name is a mystery) which makes his new novel fair game for this blog.

Super Coil is a fun read and highlights something about becoming a patent prosecution professional - you have to love technology, and you have to love writing. There are of course other aspects and everyone probably has a different view, but without these two working in the patent prosecution space can be difficult.


Many times the difference between success and failure in the prosecution world comes down to storytelling and the ability to weave technology into a legal framework. What is so cool about a patent professional drafting a novel is that it breaks the mold of the engineer who does not like writing. Hats off to Robert!