Best Of Mr. IP Law

It is the summer of 2022, and the Mr. IP Law (TM) blog has been creating patent-related content for patent professionals around the globe since 2015. Thousands of blog posts later, there is still much more to talk about in the world of patent prosecution.

But with summer comes summer vacations and “Best Of” posts to remember some of the most popular content over the years. Below are links to some popular content. If you missed these posts, this is a great time to catch up.

Amicus Brief on the USPTO’s practice of re-opening prosecution responsive to an appeal brief:

The importance of a reply brief when appealing rejections at the USPTO (Durance):

Freedom on Information Act requests at the USPTO - the USPTO is never happy to share what they should:

Next we have a discussion on the idea of having the USPTO reassign a new examiner to your case:

And last but not least a post of quality at the USPTO:

I hope that you enjoy these and the other posts on the site.