Enfish and Patent Elibigility

Enfish and Patent Elibigility

The Federal Circuit finds a data-structure related software invention non-abstract under the first part of the Alice patent eligibility test because it is directed to a specific implementation of a solution to a problem in the software arts. Key to the decision was the use of a specification drafting technique that has received widespread critiscim in recent years.

Means Claims

Means Claims

The statute authorizing means claims simply authorizes the use of a certain claim type (e.g., means claims) and defines how claims that fall under the section are interpreted. As such, it cannot form the basis of a rejection by an Examiner, as confirmed in a recent PTAB case.

Design Choice

Design Choice

Patent Examiners often use the theory of "design choice" in formulating rejections. The typical situation is where one or more primary references show all of the elements of a claim except for what the Examiner feels is a minor modification, for example a certain structural feature such as a taper. These rejections can be particularly difficult to overcome when the specific element alleged to design choice is not disclosed in the specification as having any unique advantages.